Monday, March 26, 2012

A lesson learnt

“Strive for perfection in everything you do, take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it”. Sir Henry Royce

As the time draws closer to the end of my undergraduate degree one cannot forget the journey under the guidance of Mev. M.E Linstrom and Mev.W Marais. The journey under the two inspirational and phenomenal woman up until this very moment has been an exceptional journey even though there has been times where I wanted to change course because I wasn’t performing the way they expected me to perform academically. Journalism has taught me consistency, time management, accuracy about information, content curation as well as objective writing.

Journalism comes with working under pressure and good communication skills whether it be verbal or non-verbal they are the key basics of succeeding in this industry which is not for the faint hearted. I have managed to enhance these elements through hard work and attentiveness towards the lecturers, peers and most importantly national and international news.

People that have inspired me from the beginning of my career have been the likes of Fed Khumalo who I think is the best writer in the country, Victor Molefe (uncle) who has guided me through sport media within the SABC, Mev. Linstrom and Mev. Marais who have given me opportunities and a platform to grow as a young journalist. Through the past 3 years I believe that I’ve gained a fair amount of experience and self-confidence having to have worked for campus radio (Kovsiefm) as a news sub-editor and sports editor, Campus newspaper (IRAWA) as a sports reporter and editor.

Other exciting professional newsroom experience are shadowing Xolani Gwala at SAFM for a week during the 2010 soccer world cup and having to be part of the GagasiFm’s sports team covering the soccer world cup in Durban. The challenge I face now is to promote and sell my journalistic abilities to big companies nationally and abroad. Always have your ear on the ground and be the best you can be.

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