Wednesday, March 21, 2012

DASO on the move for change


At first I didn't understand what was going on here when I saw this poster which then made me reanalyze the poster and its text and quite frankly the only people who would understand the poster and what it means are the target audience in this case being students where they are more exposed to DASO than the man in the street. To the man in the street, the poster conveys a different message that quite frankly is uncalled for, no matter how "tasteful" or "tasteless" its creation is.

I think they could have done just as good a poster if the couple were clothed. I have nothing against the content of the poster, in fact it has been very tastefully 'put together' and we all have our personal preferences but then again I feel that it is just too early for South Africans to grasp this scenario in this current political climate.You wouldn't look twice" meaning that a non-racial future is what the DA envisages where blacks and whites can love a partner based on the person that partner is, and no one gawps at them because of their skin colour differences.

 The poster also shows that we can live as a unified south Africa looking past colour race or creed which is what our country has been striving for in the past 18 years but we are so caught up in the past that some of us no longer see the potential of us living as a rainbow nation and we tend to forget no matter how we look at one another we are all living under one brand which is South Africans. In closing this poster will immediately if you are honest about what you feel draw your prejudices to the fore be that you are black, white, coloured or anything else for that matte. try to analyse the origin of that emotion.

 If the poster evokes a negative reaction because one of the people depicted is not of your race and you hate that race, you have the starting point from which to work to improve yourself, and as a result, the whole of South Africa. have another look at this poster. If you have really advanced in your thinking, the only thing you will see is two people embracing the fruits of our nations freedom and equality.

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