Sunday, March 25, 2012

An indepth perspective and analysis of the DASO Poster...

Firstly the issue that one must keep in mind and understand is that Democratic Alliance (DA) is a political Party therefore its motives will forever be politically motivated and inspired. The picture is deceptive, a lie and fully politically motivated of the true reflection of DA, in my own view. The picture is erected via the structures of the youth wing by the mother body. It is obviously known that the primary objective of every youth with Structures is to promote the objectives of the mother body DA. The mother body is in a project of winning membership in the black communities, especially poor blacks and middle class in Eastern Cape. Illiterate blacks or the working class from the youth sphere and adult sphere are obviously the majority in this country, meaning that’s where the majority votes can be found to win upcoming elections profoundly.

Therefore DA will do what ever it takes to unseat the African National Congress from the position of ruling this country (South Africa). Whites are the minority in South Africa therefore there is only one way for DA to unseat the ANC, win black membership therefore the picture is not whole heartedly motivated,it does not portray the true intentions of the heart, it is politically motivated via the youth structure DASO with an organisational mandate.

If this is what the DA wants to see in the future of this country, we must see leadership change in its structures in which people follow leadership. There must be 50%/50% black and white leadership representation, nationally, provincially and regionally.

DA is currently having nine leaders nationally, only two are black, Lindiwe Mazibuko a parliamentary leader and Mmusi Maimane the nations spoke person. Out of 9 provincial leaders only one is Black Sizwe Wiseman Mchunu.

ANC National Spokesperson, Jackson Mthembu, said on March 21,2012:"We have always maintained that the DA views blacks as useful voters to win elections and nothing else. We call on all black DA members to see the DA for what it is, a white racist party. We also call on all those blacks who are in leadership structures of the DA for window dressing purposes to resign from the DA and not be used unduly. Such utterances must not be tolerated as they generate a negative feeling in those who suffered under colonial and apartheid rule".

On the other hand,one must known and bear it in mind as the World Mayor of the Year in 2008 from a field of 820 other mayoral candidates, it’s hard to comprehend that a woman that has done so much in her lifetime in fighting crime, racism, drug abuse and unemployment in Cape Town, would be classed as a shameless bigot with ulterior motives. This was a difficult province for the ANC to govern; we should never take Helen for granted, she employs and deploys on merit.

The picture depicts the true sense of the future the D.A peruses for the society of South Africa, it is possible if we remain optimistic as South Africans. If you read the South African constitution Act 108, this is what it fosters to see in the future. Where black and white will be equal, non rascist, above all where they can cross the tribal, colour and cultural bridge to the level of intimacy. This means building homes together as different races. What else do we want to see except what is in this picture? Is this not a future we all want in actual fact? We should erect such type of picture because what we behold is what we become. We behold segregation we will become segregated, we behold pictures as these reflecting our future so it will be.

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